why blog? 14 benefits of blogging

Why Blog? Benefits of Blogging in 2023

Many people question the benefits of blogging in today’s digital age, given the rise of social media. However, blogging has been a valuable marketing tool for businesses since its inception in 1993. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why you should start a blog and the benefits it can bring to your business.

Top Reasons and 14 Benefits of Blogging

Blogging began as a unique platform for individuals to share their interests and daily experiences, similar to an online diary. However, its significance has grown in recent years as a valuable marketing tool for businesses. Out of the 1.9 billion websites in existence, over 600 million are blogs, making up a significant portion of the internet.

WordPress, the most popular website builder & blogging platform, powers more than 43% of all websites, and is used by both individuals and businesses to promote their ideas, brands, stories, products & more. It is worth considering starting a blog as it comes with many benefits.

Let’s examine further and explore some of the crucial 14 benefits of blogging and the reasons why starting a blog could be a good idea.

A Blog Brings Traffic to Your Website

By adding a blog to your business website, you can increase the amount of content available to search engines, making it more likely that your website will be found by potential customers.

For example, if your business sells gardening hoses, you can use your blog to write about topics that are relevant to your customers, such as environmentally friendly gardening tools, water conservation, and tips for maintaining small lawns and gardens. Over time, this can help bring more traffic to your website, allowing you to reach a wider audience and potentially even steal business from larger brands.

Blogging Helps you Generate More Leads and Conversions

While attracting visitors to your website through a blog is relatively straightforward, the real challenge lies in converting that traffic into actual sales and business growth. Unfortunately, most people who visit your website will never return, as there is simply too much content available on the internet.

However, a blog can be used as a tool to turn website visitors into potential leads, subscribers, and social media followers, and then reach out to them at a later date. Utilizing tools like OptinMonster can help you build an email list and grow your social media presence. Additionally, adding push notifications to your blog will allow you to send targeted messages to blog visitors, encouraging them to return to your website.

Helps you Repurpose Content for Other Marketing Channels

To establish a dynamic marketing strategy, it’s important to promote your business online actively. However, a static website can make this difficult as there is no new content to share. Adding a blog to your website allows you to utilize blog post content across various marketing channels. This can include sharing the link on social media, using the content in email newsletters, creating YouTube videos based on the blog post, and editing the video for use on other platforms such as TikTok and Instagram Stories.

Helps you Build Authority in Your Industry

Proving your expertise and authority on a particular subject can be challenging if you only have a limited online presence, such as a five-page website that only promotes your products or services. However, by adding a blog to your website, you can consistently publish content related to your industry, which will help establish your authority and gain the trust of your audience.

By regularly producing new content, your website will become the go-to source for information on these topics, which can provide valuable growth opportunities for both businesses and individuals.

Helps You Strengthen Brand Recognition

Having a blog can enhance your brand image by providing more opportunities to showcase your custom logo across different platforms such as your website, social media, and search results. This increased brand recognition, paired with customer trust and authority, significantly increases the value of your digital assets.

For individuals, being recognized by industry leaders, influencers, and enthusiasts can open doors to new opportunities. For businesses, a strong brand can increase the company’s value, making it more attractive to potential buyers in the future.

Helps You Build an Engaging Audience

A static website can feel unengaging and uninteresting as it doesn’t allow for much interaction. By incorporating a blog into your website, you can create a platform for conversation and engagement. Users can leave comments, share posts on social media, and discuss your content, which helps to build a community around your business.

It is important to actively engage with comments and other user activity on your blog, as this can lead to a deeper connection with your brand and increase recommendations and sales.

Share Business News, Announcements, Sales, and More

It can be difficult to share important information about your business, such as news, announcements, and sales events, on a traditional static website. However, having a blog makes this task much simpler. You are able to provide more detailed information, add context, and create more compelling content.

For example, if you are having a Black Friday sale, you can write a blog post about it and then promote the post throughout your website using banners. Additionally, you can offer exclusive discounts or coupon codes to those who read your blog.

Helps You Improve Long Term SEO

A static website has limited pages and can only target a fixed set of keywords, even if they rank well. However, by adding a blog, you can expand your reach by writing on various related topics and targeting related keywords. Over time, you will have multiple posts ranking high for different keywords. Each of these posts acts as a soldier in your SEO army.

By properly optimizing WordPress SEO with All in One SEO, you can gradually build a powerful content army that not only helps you rank for secondary keywords but also improves your home page and other pages’ rankings.

Beat Competition in Organic Search Traffic

Keyword research is crucial in understanding the keywords that your competitors are ranking for. By identifying these keywords, you can create content that targets them and potentially outrank your competition in organic search traffic. Utilizing a blog can give you an advantage in this process. For more information, check out our guide on how to analyze your SEO competition in WordPress.

Allows You to Educate Customers

One of the main reasons people read blog posts is to gain new knowledge and information. By creating informative and educational blog posts about your products and services, you can provide valuable information to both new and existing customers.

This can include comparisons with competitors, highlighting product features, and discussing the benefits of using your products. In doing so, you are not only promoting your products and services but also providing valuable information to your customers.

Build Additional Revenue Streams for Your Business

Blogs can be utilized to create additional income streams for your business and earn money online through your WordPress blog. One way to do this is by incorporating ads into your blog posts with Google AdSense.

Additionally, promoting affiliate products and participating in affiliate marketing can also generate revenue. Another option is to sell exclusive content through platforms such as MemberPress or Easy Digital Downloads.

Helps You Learn Online Marketing

Incorporating a blog into your marketing strategy opens up various possibilities to enhance your marketing abilities. With more content to share, you can utilize multiple marketing channels to reach a wider audience.

Examples include sharing new blog posts on social media platforms and incorporating them into your newsletter. As you experiment with different ways to promote your content, you gain valuable marketing knowledge that can help you reach new audiences.

Unlocks Partnerships and Opportunities for Growth

Blogs can serve as a powerful tool for attracting potential partnership opportunities that can drive the growth of your business. By actively maintaining and updating your blog, you can attract the attention of individuals and companies seeking mutually beneficial collaborations. This could include vendors offering you better pricing or wholesale deals, small businesses wanting to sell your products, and larger companies looking to partner with you regionally.

Additionally, if you offer services or are working to build your personal brand, your blog can serve as a means of connecting with the right individuals and expanding your network and influence.

Helps You Find Your Dream Job

Blogging can be a powerful tool for building your personal brand and showcasing your talents and skills online. By sharing your passion, knowledge, and expertise in your chosen field, you can attract the attention of businesses looking for individuals with your specific skills and interests. Even if businesses don’t come to you, your blog can serve as a unique and engaging way to present yourself to potential employers, making your CV stand out from the crowd.

How to Get Started with Blogging Right Away

Starting a blog is simple and easy to do. The first step is to choose the right platform for your blog, and we recommend using WordPress.org, which is the most popular blogging platform in the world. It’s important to note that WordPress.org is different from WordPress.com. To set up a WordPress.org blog, you’ll need a domain name and a hosting account.

If you need more help, check out our WordPress category guide for beginners, which provides step-by-step instructions. This article provides an overview of the reasons to start a blog and the 14 benefits of blogging.

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