why wordpress website sucks

Why WordPress Sucks?

If you’re new to creating websites, you may be wondering about WordPress and why WordPress sucks? In summary, WordPress is a wide-use and freely available tool for blogging. Since its launch in 2003, it has been written in PHP and has become a go-to option for millions of people. WordPress was created by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little during their collaboration at Automattic, and they’ve gone on to develop many other notable products such as Tumblr, WooCommerce, and Vaultpress. However, it’s WordPress that has gained them widespread recognition and established their reputation as a top player in web development.

While WordPress is a wide-use and popular platform for building websites, some users may find that it does not meet their needs. Here are some of the potential issues that may encounter with WordPress websites, along with suggestions for how to address them.

How Do I Make A WordPress Site?

WordPress is a popular website-building platform, and you can build a website using it in a variety of ways. One of the most common methods is to use a WordPress page builder, which allows users to drag and drop different elements to create their website. Elementor is a widely used WordPress page builder with many features and templates, making it a popular choice for beginners, entrepreneurs, and small businesses.

However, at Dab Hand Marketing, we have seen a significant shift in available technologies and methods over the past six years, and we believe that WordPress is not a suitable option for modern web projects. Despite the popularity of page builders like Elementor, we believe that there are compelling reasons to avoid using WordPress for web development.

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Following are the reason why WordPress sucks in details:

Security vulnerabilities:

WordPress is a popular platform, which makes it a target for hackers. While the software is updated regularly to address security issues, some users may not keep their installations up-to-date, which can lead to vulnerabilities. To address this issue, it is important to keep WordPress and all installed plugins up-to-date with the latest versions, which often contain security patches. Additionally, users should consider implementing additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication or a web application firewall.

Slow loading speed:

WordPress websites can be slow to load, particularly if they have many plugins or a lot of custom code. This can be frustrating for visitors, who may leave the site before it finishes loading. To address this issue, users should consider optimizing their images, minimizing the number of plugins they use, and using a caching plugin to improve site speed.


While WordPress generally consider user-friendly, it can be complex to set up and customize. Users may need to know some coding or have a basic understanding of web development in order to achieve the desired look and functionality. To address this issue, users can consider using a pre-built theme or hiring a developer to assist with customization.

Maintenance and updates:

WordPress websites require regular maintenance and updates to keep them secure and functioning properly. This can be time-consuming and costly for website owners who do not have the technical expertise to perform these tasks themselves. To address this issue, users can consider using a managed WordPress hosting service that handles updates and maintenance for them.

Plugin conflicts:

WordPress plugins can conflict with each other, causing errors or even crashing the website. Users need to be careful about which plugins they install and keep them updated to prevent these issues. To address this issue, users should research plugins carefully before installing them and ensure that they are up-to-date with the latest versions.

Limited customization options:

While WordPress offers a range of customization options, some users may find that they are in limit in their ability to achieve a truly unique design or functionality. This may be due to their own technical limitations or the limitations of the WordPress platform itself. To address this issue, users can consider using a custom theme or plugin development, or hiring a developer to create custom functionality.


While there may be some potential issues with websites and why WordPress sucks? many of these can address with careful consideration and appropriate measures. It is important for website owners to weigh the pros and cons of WordPress, along with their individual needs and preferences, in order to make an informed decision about whether it is the right platform for them.

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